Do you have self-discipline? In a world where you’re constantly told to be the best possible version of yourself, this trait might be one of the best to work on as a starting point that leads into others. But is it an eternal struggle for you to achieve that supposed utopia of self-discipline?
You’re not alone. Here are some tips to help end the struggle and set you on the path to mastering self-discipline once and for all:
Understand What it Means to You
Know and understand what “self-discipline” really is and how it applies to your life. Merriam-Webster defines it as: “correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement,” but what does that mean in your life? Only you can answer that.
Make your plan and write it down
Identify your personal challenges – do you press “snooze” too many times and are always late? Do you eat too much before bed? – and create small goal tasks to conquer and form new habits before layering another related goal task on top. Create a stepping-stone path to your own self-discipline.
Practice makes perfect
Self-discipline isn’t something you can cook in an instant pot. Everyone knows that it takes at least two weeks to form a new habit, so keep working at it, and don’t give up when you feel you can’t do it anymore.
Create a mini-reward system
You know how one small candy or chocolate chip can entice a child to use the potty when they are toilet training? Find your chocolate chip reward, even if it is actual chocolate chips! Keep your small rewards ready for each time you accomplish something in your plan. Positive reinforcement works!
Stay healthy
Yep, it sucks if you aren’t already living a healthy lifestyle, but even if you have to incorporate making healthier choices into your self-discipline plan, the benefits are worth it. Exercise, eating reasonably well and getting enough sleep all help you deal with stress and support your efforts to make change.